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The AIIMT has been inspected as per the C.I.P. and assigned Grade A1 (Outstanding) by DG Shipping Govt. of India.

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    Duration: 1 Week
  • Location: Varanasi
  • Category: Simulator Based Course
7000 per course Book now
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Our 5-day "Automatic Radar Plotting Aid" course meets theobjectives 6 & 7 of the new IMO model course 1.07. This mandatory STCW course teaches the basics of ARPA including the principle types of ARPA systems, the possible risks of over-reliance on ARPA and setting up and maintaining ARPA displays. The curriculum consists of classroom instruction, ARPA manufacturer instructional videotapes and student hands on training on world class ARPA simulators.

Course Intake:
1. The number of students shall not exceed 12 per class. 
2. Course intake will be limited to not more than three students per available radar display to allow each student sufficient practice in the operation of the equipment.

Course availability:
Generally seats available to walk in students on the day of the class. However suggest book your seats in advance at least 3 days prior to start of class.

The course "AUTOMATIC RADAR PLOTTING AID " is conducted as per IMO Model course 1.07 Objectives 6-7 with the approval of The Director General of Shipping, Ministry of Surface Transport, Government of India, for Maritime Training.

The Simulator

The simulator at AIIMT consists of 4 own ship stations each with an IMO complaint ARPA Display. The course runs for 30 Hrs with demonstrations and simulator exercise constituting over 70% of the course time table. The simulator in use at IMC is approved by the MCA -UK, USCG and the D.G.Shipping - India.


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